At Sherpa, we believe in a comprehensive approach – one that brings together an individual’s multiple facets to yield the most rewarding and lasting results. No matter how fit or unfit you are, proper coaching and training will help you improve your fitness/racing skills and deepen your sense of accomplishment. Our coaches are highly accomplished athletes who are able to combine years of personal experience with proven, time-tested, principles and techniques.
Athleticism is part work, part science, and part genetics. Our coaches also view athleticism as an art. Each client/athlete is on a journey – one that demands ongoing attention to training ability, race results, overall health, injury prevention and motivation. At Sherpa, you’ll learn how to maximize each training session but you’ll also learn that true improvement takes time and requires consistency in training over the long haul. Utilizing a coach for a full season will be a valuable experience but building a long-term relationship over contiguous seasons will result in truly measurable changes and amazing results.
Coaching in Westport, Connecticut

Cycling Coaching

Running Coaching

Adventure & Ultra Distance Racing


Triathlon Coaching

Specialized Event Coaching
Level 1
Typical Client Profile:
Desires weekly written workouts and is less likely to require any additional contact with the coach.
An initial meeting to evaluate and define fitness goals prior to program start
A customized, weekly program that includes specific, day-to-day training regimens aligned to your personal goals
Contact with the coach 1x per week
+ $50 for triathlon
Level 2
Typical Client Profile:
Desires weekly written workouts and expects to engage the coach with weekly feedback and unlimited contact.
An initial meeting to evaluate and define fitness goals prior to program start
A customized, weekly program that includes specific, day-to-day training regimens aligned to your personal goals
Unlimited email and phone contact with the coach
+ $50 for triathlon
Level 3
Typical client profile:
Desires all services offered in Level 2 but also wants to participate in Sherpa scheduled Endurance Classes .
Level 2 + Unlimited group endurance classes
+ $50 for triathlon